New Website, First Blog.
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, friend! I am so glad you are here. I have not done many blogs so bear with me. I have been working like a mad woman creating this site and just when I was putting on the finishing touches, BAM! , power goes out. I was told there was a fire on an electrical pole. All is back to normal now and my wonderful husband helped connect the domain. I guess this is the part where I introduce myself. This is me......hiya!

I am 42 with three grown kids and live on a farm in South Porcupine, Ontario. We have four horses, three dogs, a cat and four goats. Momma Millie goat is pregnant and we will have grandgoats anytime now. No grand kids yet, just a grandcat and the soon to be grandgoats. If you come for a product pick up, these happy animals will be here to greet you.

I love science, hence becoming a cosmetic chemist, so I will be talking a lot about creams, lotions, bath fizzers etc.., why I use the ingredients in product formulation and the science behind them. I also do some formulating and manufacturing for World's Best Cream and custom orders.
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Like our products? Toss us a review (We love those!). I look forward to meeting you.
Ciao for now!